The answer to the previous riddle is silence. How easy is that... Haha... Ahem ya that's because I knew it before hand. Now for another.
I made this up, one of my favourite ones.
In ancient India, a man (it's always the man...) was convicted and brought before the king. Now this man is a witty court jester. Wanting to test the jester's wit, the king gave him two options. The convict has to make a statement; any statement. If it is false, he gets beheaded. Whereas if it is true, he gets hanged. What should the man say to save his skin? Sounds like a dilemma? Well of course, like most riddles, there is an answer.
Stay tuned for the answer and try guessing in the mean time.
About Me
- Thana
- I practise tyranny in being gluttony.